Message from Chief Horvat regarding Freedom March

Posted on: November 6th, 2020

“Freedom March” Protest gathering
Ahead of the planned “Freedom March” scheduled for the 7th of Nov. 2020, Aylmer police would like to remind residents and visitors to our community that our role during these events is to maintain the health and safety of all by ensuring that Emergency Orders and other laws are adhered to.

For the Aylmer Police, public safety, maintenance of peace and enforcement of laws is our top priority. Over the course of the last week, Aylmer Police officers have worked diligently and pro-actively with the protest organizer, community and business owners in order to ensure community safety and prevention of unlawful activities including violations of current Emergency orders.

Based on our local Southwest Public Health medical expert’s opinion; “Large gatherings without physical distancing are not safe as the number of COVID-19 cases are increasing locally and provincially.”

Aylmer Police Service respects everyone’s rights to a peaceful assembly for the purposes of freedom of expression and religious beliefs. Those participating in the “Freedom March” are expected to adhere to the current Emergency Orders and that their participation is done in a peaceful manner. Stay safe, socially distance, wear a mask and obey laws. “Your community…. Your safety”.